FAIC informs that it is open the call for proposals “Culture beyond borders – Facilitating innovation and research cooperation between European museums and heritage sites” in the framework of Horizon 2020 – Societal Challenges programme...
LEGGIThe AI-NURECC Final Brochure
The AI-NURECC initiative Final Brochure is out! Read more about the project and its action and learn about our key achievements, highlights, and recommendations for future collaboration. Download the brochure here
LEGGIAI-NURECC Initiative – Newsletter December 2019
Welcome to the latest AI-NURECC Initiative Newsletter, providing updates on the latest activities and events organised through the AI-NURECC Initiative. After two years of fruitful collaboration and exchanges for the interest of the...
LEGGIThe AI-NURECC Initiative’s Final Conference
The CPMR, Coordinator of the AI-NURECC Initiative, organised the Final Conference on 4 December 2019, in Brussels, an event marking a key milestone in the implementation of this joint initiative among key stakeholders in the Adriatic-Ionian...
LEGGIUN Habitat – Waste Wise Cities Campaign
The FAIC was admitted since 2019 as official Observer at the Mediterranean Action Plan/UNEP. Within this role it is announcing the chance for the members Cities of participating to the following initiative. On 2018, UN-Habitat launched the Waste...
LEGGIStand up for a more socially progressive Europe
On 16-17 September 2019, Umeå (Sweden) hosted the 1st Social Progress Cities Summit for European Cities who want to put more emphasis on social sustainability and progress, striving towards an equal society with a high quality of life for...
LEGGIThe FAIC at the 1st Adriatic Ionian Youth Organisations Forum
The FAIC at the 1st Adriatic Ionian Youth Organisations Forum (AIYOF) held in Tirana (Albania) on 19th November 2019 and organised by the Adriatic Ionian Euroregion in the framework of the AI-NURECC Initiative co-financed by the European Union...
LEGGIA.NI.M.US Final Event
Within the European project Erasmus + “A.NI.M.US. – Adriatic IoNIan GaMes for Social InclUSion”, on October 24th at the Palaindor in Ancona will be held the final event of A.NI.M.US. At the event, promoted by Municipiality of Ancona in...
The European Center for Peace and Development (ECPD), in cooperation with VAMK Univeristy, Finland and supported by Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Serbia, organize the 7th World Youth Forum. The Forum will be held in the Novi Sad...
LEGGIXI Congress of Women Entrepreneurship
Forum of the Adriatic and Ionian Chambers of Commerce and Arta Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with Ioannina University (Uniadrion member) and Split Chamber of the Economy (Forum AIC member), organize the 11°th Congress...
LEGGIAI-NURECC EUSAIR Youth Games events in Ancona (IT)
Great success for the AI-NURECC events organised by the Forum of the Adriatic and Ionian Cities in the framework of the EUSAIR Youth Games and held in Ancona (Italy) as part of the Youth Action of the AI-NURECC Initiative, a project co-financed...
LEGGIAI-NURECC “EUSAIR YOUTH GAMES” – 27-29 September 2019, Ancona (Italy)
The FAIC, partner of the AI-NURECC Initiative, organised two side events in Ancona (Italy) in the framework of the EUSAIR Youth Games (27-29 September 2019). Both events contribute in providing added value for the implementation of the EUSAIR...