The Adriatic and Ionian Fora of Chambers of Commerce, Universities and Cities and their members, in cooperation with Adriatic and Ionian Initiative – Chairmanship of the Republic of Slovenia organized three online Round Tables as Side-Events...
LEGGIReport_AII-FORA online Side-Event “Small ports in the Blue Economy strategy” 10th May 15:00 – 17:00
The Adriatic and Ionian Fora of Chambers of Commerce, Universities and Cities and their members, in cooperation with Adriatic and Ionian Initiative – Chairmanship of the Republic of Slovenia organized three online Round Tables as Side-Events...
LEGGIReport_AII-FORA online Side-Event “Saline intrusion: a potential risk for coastal aquifer management in a changing climate” 10th May 10:00 – 12:00
The Adriatic and Ionian Fora of Chambers of Commerce, Universities and Cities and their members, in cooperation with Adriatic and Ionian Initiative – Chairmanship of the Republic of Slovenia organized three online Round Tables as Side-Events...
LEGGIAII-FORA online Side-Events within 6th EUSAIR FORUM
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the AII-FORA ONLINE SIDE-EVENTS, which will be held on the 10th and 12th May 2021 The Adriatic and Ionian Fora of Chambers of Commerce, Universities and Cities and their members, in cooperation with...
LEGGI2nd EU Macro-Regional Strategies Week
This year, the second EU Macro-Regional Strategies Week (EU MRS Week) will go digital from 1 to 5 March 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic! Under the motto Reconnect, Rethink, Recover, 22 sessions will be stretched over the five days. Key...
LEGGITHIRD EDITION OF THE ISTANBUL ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY CITY AWARD (IEFCA): the deadline for the submission of applications has been extended until 1st March 2021
Applications for the third edition of the Istanbul Environment Friendly City Award (IEFCA) are open. The UNEP/MAP – Barcelona Convention Secretariat launched the call for applicant cities to the 3rd edition of the Istanbul Environment Friendly...
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the AII-FORA ONLINE SIDE-EVENTS, which will be held on the 27th and 29th January 2021. The Adriatic and Ionian Fora of Chambers of commerce, Universities and Cities and their members, in cooperation...
The 5TH FORUM OF THE EU STRATEGY FOR THE ADRIATIC AND IONIAN REGION (EUSAIR) will be virtually hosted in Belgrade (Serbia), on 28-29 January 2021, under the slogan Strengthening the resilience of the Adriatic and Ionian Region through...
LEGGIFACILITY POINT ONLINE EVENTS (in collaboration with FAIC and Forum AIC)
Within the EUSAIR Stakeholder Platform, Marche Region, Italian project partner of the project “Facility Point-Supporting the Governance of the EUSAIR”, is pleased to invite you to three ONLINE EVENTS on the themes of CONNECTIVITY. Connectivity as...
LEGGIThe Public consultation on ADRION post 2020 is open!
The public consultation on the next Interreg ADRION 2021-2027 program dedicated to transnational cooperation in the Adriatic-Ionian region is open. The consultation is aimed at stakeholders and citizens who want to have a say on the pre-selected...
LEGGIDaring Cities 2020 goes live – the world’s first and largest global online gathering on climate change for urban leaders
The world’s first and largest global online gathering on climate change for urban leaders, Daring Cities 2020, was launched in Bonn from Local Governments for Sustainability (known as “ICLEI”). New action-oriented virtual forum will gather and...
LEGGIThird edition of the Istanbul Environment Friendly City Award (IEFCA)
Applications for the third edition of the Istanbul Environment Friendly City Award (IEFCA) are open. The UNEP/MAP – Barcelona Convention Secretariat launched the call for applicant cities to the 3rd edition of the Istanbul Environment Friendly...