The Forum of Adriatic and Ionian Cities (FAIC) renewed its leadership during the XXIV General Assembly held on October 25 in Ancona. Luigi Albore Mascia, representing the City of Pescara, was elected as the new President, succeeding Massimo Seri...
LEGGIAI-NURECC PLUS Side-Event 10.11.2023, San Marino
📢 MARK YOUR CALENDARS 📢 AI-NURECC PLUS Side-Event “SKILLS DEVELOPMENT FOR THE SUSTAINABLE GROWTH OF THE ADRIATIC-IONIAN REGION” 🗓️ 10 November 2023 đź“Ś San Marino (Kursaal Congress Center) and Online ⏳ 10:30 – 13:00 (CET)...
LEGGIAnna Maria Bertini is the new Secretary General of FAIC
Anna Maria Bertini, Councillor of the Municipality of Ancona, with delegation to the Adriatic-Ionian Macroregion, collects the witness from the outgoing Secretary General, Ida Simonella. The election of the new Secretary General took place during...
LEGGIAI-NURECC PLUS High-Level Conference on Circular economy and aquatic resources: how to manage inland and coastal waters in a smart and circular way – REPORT
The AI-NURECC Plus High-Level Conferences “EUSAIR towards the Green and Circular Economy – Territorial Challenges and Regional Development“, “Circular economy and aquatic resources: how to manage inland and coastal waters in a...
The High Level Conference will take place in Sarajevo, in the framework of the 8th EUSAIR Annual Forum  (REGISTER HERE) and aims to delineate a picture of the water management, inland and coastal, of a Macro-Region with common characteristics...
LEGGIThe new President of FAIC has been elected
On December 12, 2022, during the XXII General Assembly, the election of the new institutional bodies of the Forum of Adriatic and Ionian Cities took place: the new president is the mayor of Fano, Mr. Massimo Seri, who gathers the witness of the...
LEGGIThe Public consultation on ADRION post 2020 is open!
The public consultation on the next Interreg ADRION 2021-2027 program dedicated to transnational cooperation in the Adriatic-Ionian region is open. The consultation is aimed at stakeholders and citizens who want to have a say on the pre-selected...
LEGGIDaring Cities 2020 goes live – the world’s first and largest global online gathering on climate change for urban leaders
The world’s first and largest global online gathering on climate change for urban leaders, Daring Cities 2020, was launched in Bonn from Local Governments for Sustainability (known as “ICLEI”). New action-oriented virtual forum will gather and...
LEGGIThird edition of the Istanbul Environment Friendly City Award (IEFCA)
Applications for the third edition of the Istanbul Environment Friendly City Award (IEFCA) are open. The UNEP/MAP – Barcelona Convention Secretariat launched the call for applicant cities to the 3rd edition of the Istanbul Environment Friendly...